Weather Europe

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Bacau - Hourly weather, today, tomorrow, for 10, 16 days
Weather Bacau 🇷🇴 Romania Weather now Bacau Sunny Rain: 50%, Wind: 12km/h 11° 11° / 9° Weather for Wednesday (08/05/2024) Today Yesterday ().Maximally 🌡11° slightly 9°, 🌂. Tomorrow will be much warmer than today (↑+2.7°C). Detailed hourly weather 8 May 2024r. 129 day of the year Imieniny: Kornela, Lizy, Stanisława

Pécs - Hourly weather, today, tomorrow, for 10, 16 days
Weather Pécs 🇭🇺 Hungary Weather now Pécs Sunny Rain: 50%, Wind: 12km/h 15° 15° / 9° Weather for Wednesday (08/05/2024) Today Yesterday ().Maximally 🌡15° slightly 9°, 🌂. Tomorrow will be warmer than today (↑+1.2°C). Detailed hourly weather 8 May 2024r. 129 day of the year Imieniny: Kornela, Lizy, Stanisława

Frankfurt am Main - Hourly weather, today, tomorrow, for 10, 16 days
Weather Frankfurt am Main 🇩🇪 Germany Weather now Frankfurt am Main Sunny Rain: 50%, Wind: 12km/h 17° 17° / 9° Weather for Wednesday (08/05/2024) Today Yesterday ().Maximally 🌡17° slightly 9°. Tomorrow will be much warmer than today (↑+3.4°C). Detailed hourly weather 8 May 2024r. 129 day of the year Imieniny: Kornela, Lizy, Stanisława

Dortmund - Hourly weather, today, tomorrow, for 10, 16 days
Weather Dortmund 🇩🇪 Germany Weather now Dortmund Sunny Rain: 50%, Wind: 12km/h 17° 17° / 10° Weather for Wednesday (08/05/2024) Today Yesterday ().Maximally 🌡17° slightly 10°. Tomorrow will be much warmer than today (↑+3.1°C). Detailed hourly weather 8 May 2024r. 129 day of the year Imieniny: Kornela, Lizy, Stanisława

Piteşti - Hourly weather, today, tomorrow, for 10, 16 days
Weather Piteşti 🇷🇴 Romania Weather now Piteşti Sunny Rain: 50%, Wind: 12km/h 17° 17° / 11° Weather for Wednesday (08/05/2024) Today Yesterday ().Maximally 🌡17° slightly 11°, 🌂, light wind. Tomorrow will be cooler than today (↓-1.7°C). Detailed hourly weather 8 May 2024r. 129 day of the year Imieniny: Kornela, Lizy, Stanisława

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